This tour offers the best cross-section of Slovak flora in June. The country boasts large areas belonging to the Western Carpathians and marginal areas of Pannonian basin are found there too.The holiday is ideally balanced. Rich steppic flora on limestone is combined with typical Carpathian forest flowers, marshy areas and at the very end also with the alpine zone of the High Tatras.
This tour offers the best cross-section of Slovak flora in June. The country boasts large areas belonging to the Western Carpathians and marginal areas of Pannonian basin are found there too.The holiday is ideally balanced. Rich steppic flora on limestone is combined with typical Carpathian forest flowers, marshy areas and at the very end also with the alpine zone of the High Tatras. Slovak Karst together with its Hungarian counterpart Aggtelek is the largest karst area north of the Alps. The rich flora is represented by several eastern elements the flagship being local endemic Turna Golden Drop. Much forested areas of Central Slovakia have wonderful array of mountain flowers. Lady´s Slipper or Alpine Clematis are not uncommon there. Plants of subalpine meadows of the high ranges will be just awakening after long winter but there will be already dozens of species out to please us. Least Primrose or Alpine Buttercup stand high among them. Finally, mires and wet meadows will be searched for the Moor King, orchids and butterflies.
8 days | 3 hotels
dates: early June
guide: Martin Hrouzek
ground price: £890 | single supplement: £100
airport: Poprad, Slovakia in and out or Cracow, Poland in and Budapest out
group size: 6-16
D1 Arrival
D2-3 Slovak Karst NP
D4 Mala Fatra NP
D5 Liptov basin
D6-7 The High Tatras
D8 Departure
Dracocephalum austriacum (Austrian Dragonhead)
Echium russicum (Purple Viper´s Bugloss)
Astragalus vesicarius (Purple Milk-vetch)
Onosma tornense (Turna Golden Drop)
Dianthus hungaricus (Hungarian Pink)
Pinguicula alpina (Alpine Buttercup)
Clematis alpina (Alpine Clematis)
Erysimum wittmannii
Cypripedium calceolus (Lady´s Slipper)
Gentiana clusii (Clusius´s Gentian)
Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid)
Primula minima (Least Primrose)
Cortusa matthioli (Alpine Bells)
Pulsatilla scherfelii (White Pasque Flower)
Pedicularis hacquetii (Hacquet´s Lousewort)
Soldanella carpatica (Carpathian Snowbells)
Country: Czech Republic
City: Uherské Hradiště
Address: Revoluční 513
Phone: +420 604 669 378