Nature tours, Birdwatching, Wildlife, Photos, Photo, Birds, butterflies,Gardens,tours, destinations,hollidays, trip, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Polana, Poland, Macedonia, Austria


Dragonflies of North Bohemia
There is a nice blend of warmth loving and several northern species ...
The Alps and lake Neusiedl
Lake Neusiedl as a popular birding destination combined with high Alps...
Butterflies of Macedonia
One of the best arrays of butterflies of Europe is found in Macedonia..
Birds of Belarus
Pristine nature so well preserved in unknown Belarus hosts wonderfull array...

Lake Kerkini in winter
Lake Kerkini in northernmost Greece is one of Europe´s prominent wintering...
Flowers of Slovakia
This tour offers the best cross-section of Slovak flora in June. The country...
Butterfly special
This tour aims at several attractive butterflies. Most of them cannot be seen...
Butterflies and moths of Slovakia
Slovakia is a small country that comprises large proportion of West Carpathian...

Nature of Macedonia
Explore Macedonia before it changes!
Gardens of Austria and Czech Republic
Vienna gained its impotance under Habsburgs who moved ..
Dragonflies of Slovakia
Not many people are familiar with an issue of Slovakia and its dragonflies....
Bats of Slovakia
Slovak Karst is by far the largest karstic area of the region. It is the most...

Gardens and parks of Prague
There are about 250 gardens and parks in Prague and many more in the vicinity...
Gardens and parks of the Czech Republic
Czech Republic with its wealth of historical monuments should ..
Birds of Macedonia
Macedonia is quite unknown but no less fascinating than other Balkan countries....
Birds of Poľana and Kiskunság
From Extinct Volcano to Puszta This tour brings a brand new blend of water...

Birds of Slovakia
Owls, Woodpeckers, Raptors and Grouse Slovakia as a long established...